Dependencies, Packages, Frameworks and Analyzers in ASP.NET Core

AZHARUL | 15-Oct-2024 09:45:39 AM | Time to read: 5 Min

When working with ASP.NET Core, you'll often hear about dependencies, packages, frameworks and analyzers. These are essential concepts for building modern applications, but for beginners, it can be confusing to understand what they are, how they work, and why they’re important. Let’s break them down in simple terms and go through practical examples to make them clear for everyone, from beginners to advanced developers. Show More....

SDK vs Packages in .NET Core

AZHARUL | 14-Oct-2024 08:59:25 AM | Time to read: 5 Min

In the world of .NET Core development, two important terms often come up: SDK and Packages. Show More....

CLI vs GUI in .NET Core

AZHARUL | 05-Oct-2024 08:23:55 AM | Time to read: 37 Min

In this blog, we’ll dive into what the .NET Core CLI and GUI are, demonstrate how they work, and compare them side by side with examples. Show More....

Understand Anti-forgery Token In ASP.NET MVC

AZHARUL | 05-Jul-2024 10:16:41 AM | Time to read: 2 Min

In this article, we will try to understand Anti-forgery Token in ASP.NET MVC. Anti-forgery stands for “Act of copying or imitating things like a sign Show More....

A Full C# Tutorial is coming soon………………………….

AZHARUL | 29-Jun-2024 04:30:19 AM | Time to read: 1 Min

A Full C# Tutorial is coming soon…………………………. Show More....